[PitchIt FinTech News Podcast] #19: Emmalyn Shaw of Flourish

Originally posted on LendIt Fintech News
By Todd Anderson
In episode 19 of PitchIt: the fintech startups podcast we talk with Emmalyn Shaw of Flourish.
With 18 founders under my belt I thought it was time to start bringing investors on the podcast. Flourish are a venture firm investing in entrepreneurs whose innovations help people achieve financial health and prosperity. As an evergreen fund, they deploy patient capital with a long-term perspective.
They are really one of the leaders in the impact space. Emmalyn and I covered a range of topics including where we’re at on the path to financial inclusion, the best way to increase access to those who need it most, whether or not blockchain based tech is fairer, building diverse teams and boards, advice for founders and a whole lot more. I hope you enjoy the show.
In this podcast you will learn:
- Emmalyn’s story to venture
- Flourish’s focus and mandate
- The current state of financial inclusion & wellness
- The best entry point into fintech
- Why financial education has been a taboo subject
- Why Flourish is bullish on CBDC’s
- How banks need to reimagine products for the mass market
- How Flourish leads on diversity
- Best piece of advice she received was “be yourself, lead with compassion”
- She recommends The Tattooist of Auschwitz and The Gift of Failure.
- And more…
This episode was sponsored by Zendesk, a service-first CRM company that builds software designed to improve customer relationships. Qualifying startups get Zendesk free for 6 months.