[MarketingWorld]: Paga Grows, Hits $4.6 Billion in Transactions in 10 years

Flourish proudly congratulates Paga, one of the leading mobile money operators in Nigeria, as they mark their 10th anniversary on April 3, 2019. This week, Paga announced it has processed over $4.6 billion in transactions since it kicked off operations. MarketingWorld shared how the mobile money company plans to expand to other countries with insights from founder and CEO, Tayo Oviosu.

“We want to scale to become an emerging markets powerhouse and we are doing that by going after some large countries where the problems we seek to solve still exists. Nigeria is first stop and we are very proud of our Nigerian roots and it is a platform that can stand shoulder to shoulder with any other payment company and can be used anywhere in the world," he says. "We believe this business should grow past Nigeria and we are looking at Mexico and Ethiopia and we would leverage the fact that our currency is multicurrency and multilingual and the problems we are seeking to solve exists very strongly in these countries."

Read the full article here.

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